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Easy to Grow Roses

Most everybody likes roses. The thought of having them in your landscape is enticing, but you are concerned that they are too hard to grow. Well in many cases, that is true. Many of the hybrid tea roses and other varieties require special care during the growing season and protection from the elements in the cold winter months.

When selecting roses for the landscape, most people overlook the less showy, but much easier to grow “landscape” or “shrub” roses. These are the types of roses you tend to see planted in city planters and gardens. This is because they are indeed, easy to grow roses.

There are many advantages in choosing the easy to grow roses.

  • Landscape roses are very prolific when it comes to blooming. They are generally covered with flowers from mid-May until October.
  • Landscape roses are not as susceptible to diseases common to roses.
  • Landscape roses are less prone to insect problems such as aphids.
  • Landscape roses can survive temperatures below zero without protection.
  • Landscape roses are generally less expensive than the hybrids, and they live longer.

To be fair, there are a vew disadvantages too. Although the landscape roses are easy to gro and produce many blooms, the flowers are smaller and not as showy. They also have a lot of thorns, so you definitely want to use leather gardening gloves when pruning them.

Some good easy to grow roses that you might enjoy are the Knock Out roses. They are available in reds, pinks, yellows, and other variations. The photos on this page are of the pink Knock Out and red double Knock Out roses. The pink roses have a very strong perfume.

One of my goals in landscaping is to grow plants that are as low maintenance as possible. I would rather sit back and enjoy what I have planted than spend my evenings and weekends maintaining it.


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